Articles and guides that cover a wide range of software solutions.
Start here for the basics of ITS at Chatham University!
Start here for the basics of ITS at Chatham University!
Add that personal touch to digital documents.
Add an assessment survey to your course.
Add video capabilities to your course.
This article addresses signing in and out of the Adobe Creative Suite.
A quick fix to a common error.
Explains how to change your Microsoft Multi-Factor verification process to an app manager.
Instructions on how to change your Microsoft multi-factor verification phone number. You can also add an alternative phone number.
Learn to change your password through Microsoft. This option should be used if you have access to and are currently logged into your account. If not, you may need to follow the instructions in the Reset Microsoft Password article.
A resource page to help faculty learn more about ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Information on academic integrity and many other resources pertaining to ChatGPT here.
A quick method to fix common browser errors.
How to use the Phish Alert button in Outlook to report SPAM emails.
This article will help you to set your display settings when using multiple monitors.
The Faculty MyPortal is a ‘front-end’ view of the student information housed in Anthology.
FindTime is an Outlook add-in for scheduling meetings. The organizer can send multiple time options through FindTime and minimize the back-and-forth emails in scheduling.
Fix this printing issue with Mac computer
How to enable Incognito mode in Chrome
Creative Cloud is the gateway to all Adobe products, like Photoshop, Premiere, and Acrobat Pro. An Adobe license is needed.
Install and create an account with Autodesk to download this software.
How to Install Office 365 Apps like Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel and more.
Administrative Mac Management.
Intune is a tool that will bring all Chatham computers up to industry-standard security protocols. These enhancements are necessary for compliance with FERPA, HIPPA, and GLBA.
Instructions on how to update a Windows laptop to the lates version of the operating system.
Step by Step Instructions for logging into your Chatham account for the first time.
Manually connect to Chatham Secure if your laptop is having issues connecting normally.
Map network shared drives for Windows and Mac.
How to install Microsoft Defender on a Mac
How to find and enable Microsoft Defender on a (Windows) PC.
NameCoach is an online service that allows students to record name pronunciations accurately.
Please use this detailed guide if you need help logging into your account for the first time.
This message is for any current sophomore, junior, or senior undergraduate student participating in the university’s One-to-One Laptop program, which, as communicated last year, is phasing out. This email contains important details regarding your choice to either remain in or opt out of the program for the 25-26 and future academic years. If you opt out of the program, you must bring a laptop next fall that meets university or individual program technology requirements.
Key points of the One-to-One Student Laptop Program and copy of the Fall 2023 Student Laptop Contract.
The basics on how to access Microsoft programs.
How-to for shared department email accounts.
Make beautiful boards, documents, and webpages that are easy to read and fun to contribute to.
Information about the software transition.
How to use your Polycom office phone for calls, voicemails, and transfers.
A guide for use of office phones.
This video will guide you through how to record a meeting in Teams with YuJa.
Purchase additional prints
Create a new password for your account.
A secure testing browser and webcam application for virtual exams.
If you've connected another email account to your Outlook account, you can choose to send emails from that address.
SensusAccess is now fully integrated into Brightspace. It is strongly recommended that all faculty add this external tool to their courses. The students can then utilize the tool to gain easy access to accessible materials.
You can set and use rules in Outlook to help you organize your e-mail by specifying what to do with messages that meet certain criteria.
This is the system that calls or texts your phone or sends an app code when logging into Office 365.
A centralized, template-driven platform that enables instructors to quickly personalize and publish interactive class syllabi directly within the Brightspace.
Efficiently manage process workflows and forms.
In Fall of 2023, it came to IT's attention that SPSS version 29 is not compatible with the OS Sonoma.
We have found a quick 'fix' to be able to install SPSS on a Mac running the Sonoma OS.
A comprehensive setup guide to using the student portal for registration, grades, and more.
Invite everyone you work with to chat, meet, call, and collaborate all in one place, no matter where you are.
The only comprehensive solution for preventing multiple forms of plagiarism, grading assignments, and safeguarding your institution's reputation.
Employer Rights Regarding Student Use of University Communications Systems.
Follow these steps to learn how to install Tunnelblick (VPN) and SPSS on a Mac.
Follow these steps to learn how to connect to the Chatham network via VPN and install SPSS on a PC.
VPN setup instructions & map network drives.
Which Version Of Windows Operating System Are You Running?
Use lecture capture, video recording, live streaming, and unlimited video storage.
Zoom hosts can receive an email notifications if participants have joined the meeting before the host has. The notification email will prompt the host to join the meeting.
Zoom is the #1 video conferencing and web conferencing service. Zoom allows online meetings, group messaging, and a software-defined conference room solution to combine into one easy-to-use platform.
The registration report contains the following information of registered participants: first and last name, email address, date and time of registration, and approval status.