Avoid spaces. Use hyphens or underscores instead. (Use “Paper_Jones” NOT “Paper Jones”)
Combine letters and numbers with hyphens or underscores. (Use “Paper1_Jones” NOT “Paper 1 Jones”)
Avoid special characters (\ / : * ? “ < > | ~ # % & ' { }) and punctuation. (Use “Paper1_Jones” NOT “Paper1:Jones”)
Use numbers as the first or last character only (“Paper1_Jonesdraft2” NOT “-Paper1_Jonesdrafts_”)
Keep file names short. The longer the name the more chance for issues (“Paper1_Jones” NOT “Paper_1_Jones_draft_submission_ENG101”)
Check file size limit. 1GB is the file size limit. If you need to share a file larger than 1GB you can use a cloud storage service, such as OneDrive, and share the link.
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