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Start here for the basics of ITS at Chatham University!
Intune is a tool that will bring all Chatham computers up to industry-standard security protocols. These enhancements are necessary for compliance with FERPA, HIPPA, and GLBA.
Follow these steps to learn how to install Tunnelblick (VPN) and SPSS on a Mac.
Follow these steps to learn how to connect to the Chatham network via VPN and install SPSS on a PC.
This video will guide you through how to record a meeting in Teams with YuJa.
The basics on how to access Microsoft programs.
Zoom is the #1 video conferencing and web conferencing service. Zoom allows online meetings, group messaging, and a software-defined conference room solution to combine into one easy-to-use platform.
VPN setup instructions & map network drives.
Resources to deliver a fully online asynchronous course.
The Faculty MyPortal is a ‘front-end’ view of the student information housed in Anthology.
A resource page to help faculty learn more about ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Information on academic integrity and many other resources pertaining to ChatGPT here.
A secure testing browser and webcam application for virtual exams.
Add video capabilities to your course.