University Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) of Information Technology Resources


Employer Rights Regarding Student Use of University Communications Systems.


Employer Rights Regarding Use of University Communications Systems 

The University reserves the right to monitor, access, search, block, copy, delete, review, and disclose at any time messages or documents created, sent, stored or received on, as well as any websites visited on, any of the University’s communication systems, whether accessed on-site or via remote locations, including, but not limited to:

  • Messaging systems (instant messaging, text messages, email, etc.)
  • Computers (desktop, laptops, tablets, software, etc.)
  • Other portable devices
  • Any Internet/online accessible devices

By using the University’s communication systems with respect to which you have no expectation of privacy, whether accessed on-site or via remote locations, students consent to the University’s monitoring, accessing, searching, blocking, copying, deleting, reviewing and disclosing, both real-time and after the fact, any documents or messages which they create, send, store or receive on, as well as websites visited on, the University’s communications systems.

The University contracts with certain third-party service providers (for example, electronic communication service providers and/or remote computing service providers) to deliver and store certain communications which are sent or received on the University’s communications systems, including, by way of example only, instant messages, text messages, and email.

Any theft of, tampering with, or other destruction of computers, software programs, and network services is prohibited. Failure to cooperate with the University in its exercise of any rights described in this Policy is cause for a student’s immediate discharge. In addition, any student who engages in conduct intended to interfere with or prevent the University from exercising any of its rights as described in this Policy will be disciplined, up to and including termination.

Internet Use 

This Internet use policy applies to desktop computers, laptops (personal or Chatham issued), as well as electronic hand-held devices, such as iPads, tablets, computers, and smartphones.

Permitted Purposes

Students may access the Internet through the University network or using University-provided equipment solely for the purpose of conducting educational-related activities for the University. However, the University’s network and/or equipment may be used for non-education-related purposes if such non-education-related use does not interfere in any way with business activities or otherwise violate this Policy.

Copyrights and Downloads 

Students shall refrain from illegally copying any works or making available copies of any works that are protected by copyright, including, but not limited to, software, music, movies, games, or other intellectual property. Students are responsible for observing copyright and licensing agreements that may apply when downloading files, documents, and software. University retains the right to pass along fines incurred due to violation of copyrighted laws.

Prohibited Uses

University Community Members must guard against the disclosure of confidential information through the use of the Internet, e-mail, or otherwise through the use of Chatham’s communications systems. If transmitting confidential information for a remissible purpose, students must ensure that they are doing so consistent with Chatham policy and applicable law, including but not limited to protecting the privacy of student education records under FERPA.

Students shall not view, download, copy, send, post, or access information that is illegal, obscene, or otherwise inconsistent with the University’s non-discrimination and non-harassment policies (e.g., sexual images, sexist comments, racist messages, ethnic slurs, religious slurs).

Network Security 

Students shall access University data in a manner that does not compromise the security and integrity of the University network, such as allowing hacking, malware, viruses or other electronic compromises onto the University network. Students wishing to download any document, file, media or software from non-University sources must observe University policies and procedures for virus checking and system security. No devices can be attached to the University network unless it has updated antivirus, malware, and operating system patches installed. University retains the right to pass along fines incurred due to violation of University security.


At Chatham, we take our Cybersecurity very seriously. As defined by Microsoft, “Cybersecurity is a set of processes, best practices, and technology solutions that help protect your critical systems and network from digital attacks.” Our goal is to protect the entire Chatham Community, and we do that through policy and procedure.

We utilize a Microsoft threat detection service.  This service detects malware, spam, and viruses.  When we receive a notice from Microsoft, our policy is to follow-up with the end user and run anti-virus procedures on their computers.

It is the end user’s responsibility to contact IT Support Services for instructions on how to perform the scan and submit the results.

If we do not receive these results within 3 days, according to our policy, your account will be disabled until the procedure is followed. In addition to the Microsoft threat detection service, we will also utilize various communications, online training, and phishing simulations to help the Chatham Community increase our cybersecurity.

Account Uses

Passwords are provided to all students and students who have access to the University’s computers. A student may neither use another student’s or student’s password nor permit another student or non-student to use his or her password to access the University’s computer systems. A user’s University account may be suspended temporarily, be reduced to an appropriate level, or blocked when necessary to protect the integrity, security, and functionality of university technology resources or to protect the university from liability. Any violations of this policy are cause for discipline, up to and including expulsion.

Email Communications 

This policy applies to email use by way of devices, such as, but not limited to, iPads, tablets, computers, and smartphones, whether University-issued or personal, that are used to conduct university business. SPAM is a defined term for irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to large numbers of recipients with the intent to compromise personal information. Any violations of this policy are cause for disciplinary actions and/or fines.

Computer Policy 

Licensing agreements and other legal restrictions and requirements apply to the use of computers (including laptops, iPads, Smartphones, tablets, computers), software programs, and network services. Information Technology Services is responsible for ensuring the University’s compliance with these licensing agreements and other legal restrictions and requirements.



Article ID: 7393
Tue 7/12/22 9:53 AM
Mon 7/17/23 11:51 AM