ChatGPT and AI


A resource page to help faculty learn more about ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Information on academic integrity and many other resources pertaining to ChatGPT here.


Chatham University has developed this resource page to help faculty learn more about ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Please find information on academic integrity and many other resources pertaining to ChatGPT and the classroom below.

Please note that ChatGPT has not been thoroughly reviewed by Chatham for concerns with accessibility, privacy, and security. Faculty are advised to consider these factors when using ChatGPT in the classroom. AI Tools such as ChatGPT are continuously evolving, so information on this page will be updated to reflect those changes. 


Faculty Workshops 

ChatGPT Faculty Information Sharing Session (May 2023)
Tuesday, May 9th 10am-11am - Zoom Recording
This faculty session, hosted by the Office of Academic Integrity and the Office of Instructional Technology and Teaching Development, focused on updates, policies, resources, discussion, and a general Q&A about AI and ChatGPT. 

ChatGPT Faculty Information Sharing Session (Feb 2023)

Thursday, May 23 2pm-3pm - Zoom Recording

This faculty session, hosted by the Office of Academic Integrity and the Office of Instructional Technology and Teaching Development, focused on policies, resources, discussion, and a general Q&A about ChatGPT 

Overview: What is ChatGPT?

a picture of a laptop computer and a notebook on a table.ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence(AI) technology from OpenAI that enables users to provide basic information to generate written responses. The types of written responses that can be generated cross the gamut of genres and disciplines and include the creative – a poem, personal narrative, or short story – as well as the scholarly – a cited research-based essay or article. As a result of this new technology, there have been many concerns raised about the implications this has for education at large, and in particular, higher education and academic integrity, in our efforts to prepare students to be critical thinkers with the skills to write. 

There are other similar AI technologies, such as Stable Diffusion and DALL•E, that do similar things with artwork and images to produce works in different styles and/or mediums. 

OpenAI has released several versions of the ChatGPT model, with each iteration building on the previous one with improvements in accuracy, efficiency, and capabilities. ChatGPT has reached 100 million users in 2 months, making it the fastest-growing app

The current training data used to support ChatGPT has a knowledge cut-off of 2021. This means it does not currently have information on what occurred after 2021. Undoubtedly this will change in the coming versions. Read more on ChatGPT from CNET


  • Can respond to prompts and questions
  • Can complete text based on patterns 
  • Can understand word order 
  • Can do things quickly 
  • Can write mostly grammatically correct language 
  • Can summarize information 
  • Can re-write information at a lower grade level  


  • Makes mistakes and will make up information 
  • Is limited by its training data, inability to respond to recent events -- training using data up to 2021
  • Prone to bias, and stereotypes and lacks diverse perspectives 
  • Can't fact check, edit, or refinement 
  • Has trouble with non-English languages 
  • Not good at synthesizing information
  • Potential copyright issues
  • Accessibility, ethical and access concerns


Updates 3/15/23 - GPT-4 was released on 

Academic Integrity and ChatGPT 

The good news is that individuals, organizations, and businesses are working on efforts to combat AI-generated material being presented as an individual’s own work. Using ChatGPT or any other AI system to complete an assignment or exercise would be considered an act of academic misconduct under Chatham University’s Honor Code – Policy on Academic Integrity unless an instructor explicitly requires it to be use this technology.

As an institution, Chatham utilizes the services of Turnitin to identify plagiarism in student writing. Turnitin is working on additional tools to enable educators to detect ChatGPT and AI-generated writing. These will likely be in place and available for the 2023 – 2024 Academic Year.

On Monday, February 20, 2023, the Office of Academic Integrity sent an ALL STUDENT email on AI

Examples of ChatGPT-generated Essays 

To view these examples, please click the following link to enroll in the course -

Promoting Academic Integrity at Chatham University 

  • Incorporate an academic integrity statement in the directions for assignments and/or exams. 

  • Break longer written assignments into smaller sections to be submitted and reviewed throughout the semester to track for incorporation of feedback and improvement in writing. 

Questions, Concerns, Needs 

If you have a question, concern, or need as it relates to academic integrity and ChatGPT, please email  



Accessing ChatGPT 

Academics and ChatGPT

Combatting ChatGPT (Detectors)


Embracing ChatGPT 


AI Tools 


More About ChatGPT 


For your Amusement 


Teaching Strategies


Q: If students use ChatGPT or any other AI system to complete an assignment or exercise in a course, would this be considered a violation of the Honor Code – Policy on Academic Integrity?
A: Yes. Using ChatGPT or any other AI system would be considered an act of academic misconduct under Chatham University’s Honor Code – Policy on Academic Integrity. Using AI to complete your work means you are not independently completing the assignment or exercise and what you produce is not your own original work. As a result, using AI in this context would be an attempt to achieve an academic advantage.  

The only time using ChatGPT or another AI system would be permissible is if your instructor explicitly requires you to use this technology to complete an assignment or exercise. If a student does choose to still use AI in pursuit of a creative endeavor, the student must indicate all portions of the work that were generated by this technology and which AI service was used for its creation.

For more information about academic integrity at Chatham, please visit the Honor Code – Policy on Academic Integrity section of the Catalog.


Q: Is ChatGPT free?
A: It was widely released for free in Nov. 2022. On Feb. 2, 2023, OpenAI announced a premium version for $20/month. The free version will remain free.

Q: Why does the version of ChatGPT matter?
A: OpenAI has released several versions of the ChatGPT based on GPT3. Each iteration builds on the previous one with improvements in accuracy, efficiency, and capabilities. The specific version of ChatGPT used at any given time can vary and may depend on factors such as the intended application and available resources.



Article ID: 12198
Fri 2/10/23 1:56 PM
Thu 6/1/23 12:08 PM

